Música do Círculo's Retreat Brazil

The Música do Círculo's Retreat Brazil was born out of the integration between musical, body and human development practices: circle songs, body percussion, creative and interactive musical games, body awareness, practices inspired in circle dancing, the pedagogy of cooperation, non violent communication and culture of peace.
We found out that when connected these universes grow even stronger, and that's why we search for experiences where we connect to make music and make music to connect!
On our 10th edition, we've already realized how these immersion has contributed to the artistic development of participants - from experienced artists to "beginners" - and at the same time enabled deep transforming human experiences.
Based on improvisational games and activities, the process stimulates - in a light and playful atmosphere - moments of deep creativity, beauty and authenticity, inviting new insights, perceptions and discoveries.
It is a musical gathering made of people, of sounds that reverberate who we are when we are connected to ourselves, to each other and to the nature that surrounds us.
All this in a community of amazing people who come from various parts of Brazil and the world to share talents, interests and projects, forming a network of contacts and connections that goes beyond the retreat and grows every day.